I found my heart in an unlikely place
I found my heart in the depths of the sea
My heart was hard as a rock, corroded, with hollow surface
Carved in stone and with many fissures
My heart spoke to me so I picked it up
Despite many suitors it revealed itself to only me
Oh, how perfect its shape
How smooth to touch despite its hard edges
How beautiful the shades of juxtaposed grays
How warm the feel of it on my dull hands
It became alive, like a loyal pet, no longer an inanimate object
I carry my heart everywhere
I hold on to it as if my existence is incomplete without it close
This heart is external to me but somehow speaks to me internally
I speak to others with my heart space
I speak as if this heart is theirs that I carry, and I need to be mindful of its delicate features
This rock heart, this miracle found in the sea
Could it crack open my own hard edges?
So that I am open with my feelings
Hurt and anger replaced by forgiveness and love
My miracle comes in the form of a rock heart found in the Sea of Galilee to remind me to shed my old barren ways.