A great big dragon is chasing you from behind
But it’s at a standstill seeing you still, atop the hillside
It wants to attack but your demeanor confident and wise
Stops its attempt to destroy you with one strike
Its wings are widespread but mouth closed shut
There is no fire spewing when it exhales a deep breath out.
You are the rabbit often its prey
But this time you are not fearing the enemy’s slay
You are not running or hiding in corners
With your abounding fearlessness and courage
Suddenly you are as tall as the dragon itself
Ears pointed, back arched, you look away
Choosing to disengage from conflict’s way.
Your sight is set on a road wide open
Your future is bright, lit up and white
You are leaving the dark dragon behind
Your poise and strength surprise even you
As your arrow points toward something new
And as you embark on this new journey
All the birds’ chirp in unison
As the owl’s nocturnal eyes shine bright
Encouraging you to step forth with all your might
Toward new dreams and new beginnings just right.